The contract program is a self exploraion of the way you are currently living . This program will help you with specific, achievable actions to uphold your contract to yourself. This program highlights the areas that need your attention. Your contract will become a non-negotiable foundation way for you to live your life.
What are the consequences for breaking your contract? Living a life out of balance, having less energy, living for other people and a longing for more.
The purpose of a self-contract is to give yourself a structure and a clear plan for making positive changes in your life. By making a commitment in writing and holding yourself accountable, you increase your chances of successfully implementing your desired changes.
Creating a self-contract is a powerful tool for personal growth and self-improvement, but it's important to approach it with a positive attitude and be kind and compassionate to yourself if you encounter challenges along the way.
We are ready to assist you in putting this all in your own words and writing. Think of how many contracts you have signed in your life in one form or another. Think of how many contracts you have broken. Isn’t it time to take your words and wishes seriously, sign the contract and don’t break it. You are as responsible for your word to yourself as you are for your rent, car lease, mortgage, work contracts, marraige license, etc.
You get it, now it’s time to sign on the bottom line to move yourself to the top of each page of your life.
7 weeks of Self Study
Month 01 / The Roots of You
Month one is all about you. You’ll take a deep look at yourself and reflect on where you are today, and where you want to be. We will help you set up ways to honor and hold high regard for where you came from, how you got here and who you are at your truest essence.
Month 02 / The Flow of You
During month 2 identify the patterns and habits that block your flow. The movements of your everyday will begin to take on more meaning.
Month 03 / The Core of You
In month three we will stoke the fire of your personal power. What is burning inside you?
Month 04/ The Heart of You
Month 4 is the deep dive of your heart. Passion, desire, cravings, longings, losses, love and appreciation.
Month 05/ The Truth of You
in this month you will scream, hum, speak, sigh and say what it is you mean to say. This is the month of language, tone, pace and words.
Month 06/ The Intention of You
In month six, we will have all the pieces to put the first draft of your contract down in writing. a clear vision of your life is starting to take shape.
Month 07/The Highest Vibration of YOU
In month 7 you will have the final draft of your contract. Get ready to live your life with purpose, passion and peace.
keep going
Our coaching program will get you started and we can help you keep going long after the program is over and your contract is signed.
Menu of Services
1 on 1 PRIVATE SESSIONS- $250.00 per hour
MONTHLY MENTORSHIPS - $400.00 for Four 45 minute sessions (2 with REBECCA + 2 withSIGRID)
10 SESSIONS- $ 1,7500.00 (5 with REBECCA + 5 with SIGRID)
YEARLY MEMBERSHIP - Once a week session for 52 weeks - $ 8,000.00
(26 with REBECCA + 26 with SIGRID)
“It was not a hard decision to stop going to traditional therapy every week and do coaching sessions with Rebecca and Sigrid instead. The results, self inquiry and attention to my habits and patterns were so apparent and so quick that i knew had to change where i was investing in myself. Coaching takes it all to the next level.”